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I Want To Go Back In Time And Start Over

by Powerful Spells Of Magic
I Want To Go Back In Time And Start Over

Recently, I met a young man who had just come back from prison after saving his sentence. The young man regrets all the things he has done in the past. So I asked him what I could do for him and he said “I want to go back in time and start over.” To really get to the bottom of what this young man was saying, I told him that there is no way he could go back in time. However, he was adamant that this is possible.

I want to go back in time and start over. If this is the cry in your heart, discover what going back in time means and learn why regretting is a waste of your time.

When I challenged the young man by saying that it is not possible for someone to say “I want to go back in time and start over”, what I wanted to see was his resolve. When he remained adamant and said that he wanted to know how to how to go back in time, I knew that this is a young man who has seen the folly of his actions and he truly wants to turn his life around.

Maybe you too are reading this and saying, “I want to go back in time so badly”, you have come to the right place because today I want to tell you that you can indeed go back in time and correct your mistakes.

What is going back in time?

So, what does somebody mean when they say “I want to go back in time and change things?” Some may believe that this means that there is some magic that we can use to turn back time so that an individual could maybe go back to a time when they were in college and study hard so that they could pass. However, this is not the case and I will explain why.

If someone says, “If I could go back to the past” they are saying that they are essentially saying that today, they know some things which they did not know in the past. Hence, if they could return to the past, they could use the knowledge they now have to change things. If this is a point where you have arrived in your life, I should congratulate you. I know many people that would never reach that consciousness until they die.

How do you go back in time?

Now that we have an idea of what someone means when they say “I really want to go back in time”, let’s look at how you can go back in time and start over again.

Going back in time starts with one consciousness: that sometimes you will fail. Once you have come to that realization, you have come to understand that to make mistakes is human. You are now in a better position than those who believe that they are perfect. No human being is perfect. If you have made mistakes, welcome to my world.

While you should not be spending time regretting about what has happened in this past, there is no harm in introspecting to see where you went wrong in the past and what you can do in the future to correct that which you did wrong. Once you have done this, you begin to do things differently in the current moment.

So, I could say the process of going back in time involves being clear about what happened and then taking a decision on how you will do things better going forward.

It’s about the ending

I am sure that at this moment, you are in agreement with me that physically going back into the past is something you will not be able to do. You can, however, learn how to travel back in time with your mind. This, for me, is the most important thing you can do. It allows the past never to be the past because you can keep the beautiful moments you want in your mind and let the bad ones go.

Learning how to go back in time gives you the lessons you need to start over today. The one thing that I love about today is that it always gives every one of us a chance to start over. You may start over and fail, but again that is because we are all human. The most important thing is not the number of times you have tried to start again and failed. Rather, what is important is the number of times you get up, dust yourself and start again.

How to go back in time with spells

Many people ask whether it is possible to use how to go back in time spells. Many people would say that there are no spells that can help you do this. However, I can tell you that there are hundreds of spells that can help you get back in time. What is important is to define what going back in time means.

If you say “I want to go back in time and start over” meaning that you want to be given a chance to correct the things you have done wrong, then spells like forgiveness spells could easily help you start relationships that have ended. Think about love spells to get your ex back and you will have an idea of how spells could help you go back in time and correct things that went wrong.

Tips for starting over ( I Want To Go Back In Time and Start Over )

When it comes to giving tips for starting over in life, I could write a whole book. However, the most important advice I can give you now is that starting over in life is both a physical and a spiritual thing. Hence, you may want to think about the spells and rituals that can help you find forgiveness from those you have wronged.

In most cases, when we talk about people who have been wronged, many people look outside themselves. Finding forgiveness from others when you have not forgiven yourself is a waste of your time. True forgiveness must start with you. Once you have found the inner forgiveness, you can then start finding the power to go back in time and see how you can change your life.

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